Are you experiencing problems with a credit bureau?

Are you experiencing problems with a credit bureau? Follow our advice to help steer you towards the most effective solution:

Your best bet would be to contact the Credit Ombud, in this position the Ombud has allowance to get involved in and resolve any complaints about credit information held by a credit bureau if they relate to a selection of topics:

  1. Credit information from a credit bureau that is incorrect or incomplete, whether an incorrect amount or status, it can impair your credit activity when incorrect.
  2. Credit information that is outdated
  3. Adverse listings on a credit report produced by a credit bureau and the failure of credit providers to give consumers 20 working days’ notice before publishing an adverse listing.
  4. Consumers who have defaulted on debt repayments through no fault of their own, for example in the event of retrenchment, and have rehabilitated themselves since.
  5. Listings on a credit report in respect of prescribed debt, which is considered as debt for which the debtor is no longer liable
  6. Listings of single debt that has been duplicated on the credit report
  7. Identity fraud
  8. Service disputes
  9. Costs and damages – For example, if a landlord lists the costs of damages to a property


The credit ombud resolves complaints and disputes, whether from businesses or consumers. Having been negatively impacted by credit bureau misinformation, provided by credit bureaus, as well as disputes with non-bank credit providers and debt counsellors. Non–bank credit is credit that has been issued by an institution or lender other than a bank, such as microlenders, retailers, non-bank vehicle and property financers.

The Ombud provides South African consumer information to better educate the population on credit use. Focused primarily around the credit industry, this body is there to help you solve any problems you have had with a credit bureau.

For more information, contact us for our debt and reckless lending services today.