The National Credit Regulator (NCR) is responsible for the regulation of the South African credit industry.
Consumers must understand both their financial situation and their rights when it comes to credit and debt. The National Credit Regulator (NRC) and the National Credit Act (NCA) both exit to inform consumers of their rights and give them a way to exercise these rights.
The NCR was established after the NCA came into effect; its main focus is to oversee the regulation of the credit industry in South Africa. One of the most important duties of the NCR is to monitor credit practices and deal with complaints from consumers regarding unfair credit practices. The NCR enforces the rights developed for consumers in the NCA and rooting out crafty credit providers.
The NCR also regulates the debt counselling industry by regulating the education and registration of the debt counselors, meaning that no one may practices as a debt counsellor unless they meet the stringent criteria of the NCR.
Another task that the NCR is equipped with is to act as a bridge between government institutions, creditors, and debtors. This ensures effective communication and understanding of the NCA.
One of the most important objectives of the NCR is to educate consumers about their rights by informing them about debt relief remedies, the protection that the NCA affords them, and their right to complain about unfair credit practices. Ultimately the NCR is the credit “watchdog” of South Africa, and as an institution created by the National Credit Act, it has a responsibility to enforce the legislation and ensures that it is interpreted correctly.
Both parties come from the Micro Finance Regulatory Council (MFRC) whose primary aim is identified as the promotion of the money-lending industry so as to allow for sustainable growth in the industry and to serve legitimate unserved credit needs.
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