In short, no. Reckless lending is based on the conduct of the creditor rather than the credit amount itself. Regardless of the requested credit amount, if the credit provider fails to conduct a detailed financial assessment or if the credit provider concludes that the debtor is unfit to repay the debt in line with the associated risks and costs, but still grants the credit, this can be seen as reckless lending. When the credit provider knowingly causes the debtor to become over-indebted, or has not followed the right course of action to ensure the debtor understands all contracted obligations, the creditor is then guilty of reckless lending.
The creditors have an obligation to perform suitability or eligibility tests in order to assess your ability to make the required payments. If your circumstance have not changed since you took on the debt and you are now in arrears, this may mean that the assessment was not conducted properly. A good indication that the debt may have been reckless and could be written off.
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